This week, I found
the connection between Space and Art to be significantly more obvious than the
topics that have been introduced in the past few weeks. As mentioned in the lecture videos, throughout
history, from the earliest civilizations all the way up until now, we as a
human race have been intrigued and curious about space. This includes the sky, the stars, the
planets, and its mysterious and unknown nature.
The idea of the unknown is enough to motivate scientists to learn more,
and also acts as a medium of inspiration for artists.
You can see the
inspiration it has given artists in several different areas especially through
the films and television shows that have been created from the pure imagination
of what space, or even the future of the human race may look like. In the Lecture part 6 video, Professor Vesna
introduced examples such as Star Trek and The Jetsons, which at first glance
seem to be unrelated because of the audiences they cater to. However, just
analyzing these two shows tells us a lot about how producers used the
scientific advances and predictions of the future to create forms of
entertainment. These artists took progressive
scientific research and mixed it with their imaginative minds to create their
rendition of
what they believed the future would look like.
These shows have major influence on popular
culture, and how people have come to perceive concepts like living in space,
futuristic inventions, as well as sparks imagination for what exists in the
These scientific advances
through research done in institutions such as NASA only further our
understanding of the vague concept of space, as well as provides a platform for
artists to create.
Uconlineprogram. "8 space
pt3 1280x720." YouTube. YouTube, 29 July 2013. Web. 04 June
Uconlineprogram. "Space
pt6." YouTube. YouTube, 30 May 2012. Web. 04 June 2017.
Calandrelli, Emily. "NASA
Spacewalk Cut Short After Spacesuit Malfunction." TechCrunch.
TechCrunch, 15 Jan. 2016. Web. 04 June 2017.
"The Jetsons (TV Series
1962–1963)." IMDb., n.d. Web. 04 June 2017.
"Bring some design into your
life with WallpapersHome!" Wallpaper Earth, planet, space, Space
#10121. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 June 2017.
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