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Showing posts from April, 2017

Week 4: Medtech + Art

I am particularly interested by the rapid evolution of technology in the medical field because of how much technology influences every aspect of our lives – but this week I enjoyed learning about where the field of medicine originated. I found that reading the Hippocratic Oath was interesting because of how it has changed over the years.   In the original oath, its contents were generally based off of respecting the body, the patient, and the art form that is medicine – encouraging those who have this knowledge to share it with others.   It is interesting how the field of medicine has changed since then, in that it is seen as separate from art, and the knowledge of medicine has been restricted to those who are intelligent enough to survive medical school as well as have the monetary stability to afford it.   To me, this modern view of medicine does not seem to coincide with the original standards it was founded on as seen in The Hippocratic Oath. ...